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Help Topics

Basic Tasks
Row Tasks
Quick List Tasks
View/Report Tasks
Overall - Currency, Tax and Discount
Export Tasks

Basic Tasks

Application Menu can be accessed by pressing the phone Menu button or the Menu icon in top header.

To enter only the prices/numbers, type each number in the number pad and press += button. Long press += to enter a negative number.

To add a new item with name, tax, discount etc., use the Add Item (+) from the menu or touch an empty area of the main list.

To edit an item entry, click the row to edit. In the edit screen, you can navigate to other items as well as add new items.

To free type your shopping list, select the Quick List option from the menu or double click the list. Refer to the Quick List section for more details.

At any time, view the formatted shopping list by touching the total or using the View Invoices option in the main menu.

You can save lists using the Save List option and load items from one or more lists using the Load List option.

To export the list to other forms like Comma-separated format (CSV) or to send it via email/bluetooth use the Export List option from menu.

To specify a budget (upper limit for the total) for your shopping, press the green round button beside the main list.

Type a number and press += button.

Type number and press -= (long press +=) button.

Repeat press += button. Also see QUANTITY below.

Press back arrow to erase a digit. Long press (about half a second) to erase number fully.

Press C to clear the List. Double click or long press to clear the result display as well.

Press repeatedly to restore previous states from history. History is cleared on exit.

Long press the UNDO button to restore the last undo operations.

The application automatically builds up a list of item names, that is used for popping up auto completion boxes to aid faster entry. By default the last price and tax is remembered for each item as well. You can switch off this behaviour in settings. If you need to remove one or more entries, use the Auto Complete option in Menu. The Auto Complete page can also be used as a quick picker of frequently shopped items. You cannot add items in the Auto Complete page, but when you add a new item to the shopping list or when you saves new items in the quick list, they automatically gets added to the Auto Complete list.

To make a shopping list by speaking, click the mic button in the quick list page. Refer to the Quick List section for more details.

To input an item using barcodes, use the barcode button. Refer to the Quick List section for more details.

Row Tasks

These are performed by selecting an already entered row from the List. Touching an empty list or the empty area of a list, takes you to the ADD screen. Alternatively, you can access the ADD screen from the Edit form using the + button.

Touch any row to edit/delete it.

Touch row in List to edit item name, value etc.

Swipe the row to be deleted towards left, provided the quantity is 1 or 0. If enabled in Settings, Long Click on row also deletes. Alternatively touch row to bring up Edit/Delete dialog.

Swipe towards right to increment a quantity or swipe left to decrement. Alternatively touch row to bring up Edit dialog. Fractional quantities (0.25, 3.5 etc.) may also be specified. When counting number of items, fractional quantities are treated as one item.

Touch row in List to enter item level discount % in Edit dialog. Use the BOGO button to enter \"Buy One Get One\" free discounts. To enter cash discounts ($5 off), enter a negative discount amount in the main calculator List.

Touch row in List to enter item level tax % in Edit dialog. By default, tax is applied on the discounted price. You can change this behaviour in Settings.

Quick List Tasks

The Quick List mode allows filling/editing the shopping list in free text mode. Access it by double tapping the List (except the Total row) or from the Quick Launch bar or the Menu.

The Quick List can be filled in one of the following formats. Comma (,) or Space can be used to separate the fields. Field order is important.
1) Value
2) Name
3) Name, Value
4) Name, Value, Quantity
5) Name, Value, Quantity, Discount
6) Name, Value, Quantity, Discount, Tax

Only one item per line. Name cannot be a number. Prefix with an alphabet to store such names. Empty lines and rows starting with # are ignored.

Example: Half kilo of Apples priced at $3 per kilo with 5% discount and 10% tax can be entered as:
APPLE PACK 3 0.5 5 10 or as Apple Pack,3,0.5,5,10
# More Examples
bread 1.25

Touch the microphone icon to invoke speech input. Speech recognition software such as the one from Google and an active internet connection must be present in your device for this feature to work. Once you get the prompt, clearly speak out the text you want to appear in the Quick List box.

You could say \"apple orange milk\" to add the three items to the Quick List box. You could also say the item name, price etc. as per the Quick List accepted formats mentioned above. 132 should be said as \"one hundred and thirty two\". You may also spell out item names.

You may remove one or more items from the quick list by invoking the speech engine and saying DELETE or REMOVE followed by the list of items to remove. Say UNDO to undo the last change to the quick list.

To input an item using barcodes, use the barcode button. It might work with your phones barcode scanning application, such as Google Goggles. If you are facing issues, install the popular ZXing Barcode Scanner. The item name has to be specified the first time an item is scanned. Next time onwards, it will fetch the saved name. The scanning is done in landscape mode. However, you can hold your items barcode vertically to use the phone in portrait mode!

View/Report Tasks

Shopping Receipt/Bill:
Tap Total row in List to view a formatted receipt. Alternatively, click View Invoices option in Menu.

List Statistics:
Access various List related metrics by double tapping Total row. Alternatively, click View Statistics from Menu.

Sort List:
Click Sort List option in Menu to sort list alphabetically, by value or in the order of entry.

Font Size:
Click Font Size option in Menu to change font size for list.

Overall - Currency, Tax and Discount

These operations are accessed using the Overall ($€) option the Menu or Quick Launch bar.

HOME (Primary) Currency:
Select the main currency symbol. When the Foreign (Secondary) currency is not set, this acts as the local shopping currency.

FOREIGN (Secondary) Currency:
Select a second currency and associated Exchange Rate when you want to shop in a different currency. When this field is set, this acts as the local shopping currency. The equivalent price in your home currency will be shown if the exchange rate is provided.

Conversion multiplier to get your Home currency from the Foreign (Secondary) currency. Lookup for latest exchange rate if required.

Discount % to be applied to the total.

Tax % to be applied to the total. Tax calculation mode may be changed in settings.

Export Tasks

These operations are accessed using the Export List option in the Menu or Quick Launch bar.

Copies current List to clipboard (device memory).

Allows List to be shared as a formatted mail. Requires email applications such as

Share List as comma separated values. Save with \".CSV\" extension to open in Excel or other Spreadsheet tools.

Share List over Bluetooth.

gmail or yahoo to be installed in the device. Mails are appended with a Quick List friendly version of the list that can be used to import the list into another device. You can switch this off in Settings.


Use the Settings option in the Menu to access various display and application settings.


Currency not displayed:
1) Make sure that currencies are specified correctly. Refer to Global Configurations section.
2) Check if the Listing Mode in Menu is set to No Currency Symbol.
3) Chosen currency symbol may not be available in your device. Change to 3-digit ISO mode in Listing Mode Menu.
4) In case the Foreign/Secondary Currency is not shown in the listing, specify an exchange rate.

Email options not shown:
1) Ensure that at least one email application like GMail or Yahoo! Mail is installed.
2) Alternatively use Copy List option.

1) UNDO history is cleared on exit.
2) REDO can be done if no other operations have been performed after one or more UNDOs.

Number/Display Format not correct:
1) Check the setting for number of decimal places in Menu -> Settings.
2) The format of the number including comma and decimals is picked up from you phone settings.
3) If display is too small or big, change the Font size in Menu or using the Zoom buttons in the page.

Total incorrect:
1) Check if the values, quantity etc. are correct in the List.
2) Recheck the Tax Mode setting in Settings.
3) Please mail us ( the list using the email List option, if issue persists.

Rows missing in List:
1) Check if you have pressed the Clear button. If so, press UNDO button.
2) When adding items using the Edit screen, make sure the Add (+) button is pressed before entering new item. Otherwise, existing item will be overwritten.
3) You might have clicked undo after adding items. In that case, long press the UNDO button to redo.
4) In case you long pressed a row, or swiped it left and it disappeared, use UNDO to retrieve it.

Price and Tax gets filled automatically:
1) This is a convenience feature, to allow you to fill the prices and taxes automatically based on your most recent entry. You can disable this behaviour using the AUTO PRICE/ AUTO TEXT settings.

Barcode Problems:
1) Make sure ZXing Barcode Scanner application is installed. Nowadays many phones come with Google Goggles or the barcode scanner embedded in firmware. Sometimes these may not return the barcodes correctly and consistently. In such case, install the ZXing Barcode Scanner.
2) If your hand shakes when scanning barcode, try to place the object to be scanned on a surface.
3) Focus the camera correctly such that the barcode is fully inside the center rectangle and all the barcode lines cut across the red line.
4) Barcode does not retrieve product name. The application does not store or retrieve item names from Internet.
Specify the correct name the first time you scan the product. For future scans, it will retrieve this stored name.
5) If you entered the barcode name wrong, scan the product again and re-enter the name.
6) The quality of barcode scanning is purely dependent on the ZXing Barcode Scanner application. Keep it updated to the latest version for best results.

Voice Input not recognised:
1) Voice recognition is a developing technology and uses your phones voice recognition capability. It will not work if the required hardware (mic) or speech recognition software is not present.
2) If it recognises your friends voice, but not yours, there could be a problem with accent. The speech recognition capability of Android may be tuned to certain accents and languages. Try changing the voice settings in your phone. It generally does not recognise kids voices.

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